First a comment on time travel...I agree with people who are saying you can't change the past...if anyone has seen or read Timeline it's a good example...they went back to rescue the guys dad who was accidently sent back to medieval times, but in the process some of the people they brought were killed in the past and one remained in the past...a tomb was found in the present before the group even went back in time with the man who stayed back and the woman from the past in which he fell in love with during the rescue mission, even though at the time they found it they didn't know it was their friends tomb (sorry if this is confusing)

Basically, the past brought the future, if you alter the past it would mess up the future, so time will not allow you to change anything, what was meant to happen in the past happened and was meant to happen in the present happened and you can't change it...and as for predicting the future, we technically all can, I am right now by knowing what I'm going to type before I type it...how you interact with the world and how you think is how you change the future, but you can never truly predict it, save for a couple of minutes when you know "I'm going to go shopping and buy this and this" or "I'm going to walk into the kitchen and get food", you can vaguely predict what you'll do, what you don't know is what will happen on the way, and no one can predict that.

Second comment on the different perception, I’ve had many discussions with many different people about this and I still haven't come to a conclusion...I mean I suppose we all do, like, for an example...I find my boyfriend attractive, I sent a picture to my friend she thinks he's ugly...I perceive him differently than she does...I happen to like black, someone else might like pink, which I don't like, we perceive these colors differently, something makes me like black while something makes that other person like pink...I think we have the same basic concept of everything, like you know when a color is a color a guy is a guy a girl is a girl a door is a door etc, but how it looks to an individual person is different, maybe not by much but still different in some way.